A start-up that developed a technology that can be used to power a number of different products was using a brand that did not resonate with potential end-users and left them unclear about what the technology did and how it could be used. Before asking their manufacturing partners to add their “ingredient brand” (a product that’s an integral part of another product, like Intel or Teflon, rather than something that’s sold directly to the consumer) to all of the consumer packaging and marketing materials, the company needed to develop a brand that communicated the technology’s features and benefits to the consumer. Firedrive identified the need to create an ingredient brand that spoke for itself and didn’t require a robust marketing budget to support it.
Our Approach
Firedrive brainstormed potential names based on available trademarks and URLs that delivered on the brand positioning statement. Once a short-list was agreed upon with the client, we tested the prospective names, logo treatments, and taglines with the target audience to get quantifiable feedback.
The outcome of the research was definitive and a new brand was born. Firedrive then developed branding guidelines and graphic standards for use by the client’s partners whose products include the technology. We also implemented the new name, logo, and tagline throughout all of the client’s communications and marketing materials. To bring the new brand to life in a consistent way across all marketing and communications channels, Firedrive also developed a marketing brochure, trade show materials, updated website, and other marketing materials with a consistent look and feel, including the use of proprietary photography.